Rho gydwybod wedi chànu'n
Rho gydwybod wedi ei chànu

(Erfyniad am fyw dan ei gysgod ef)
1,2,3,4,(5,(6));  1,2,3,4,6;  1,2,3,5,6.
Rho gydwybod wedi ei chànu,
  Yn beraidd yn y dwyfol waed;
Cnawd a natur wedi eu maeddu,
  Clwyfau wedi cael iachâd:
    Minnau'n aros,
  Yn fy ninas fore a hwyr.

Dychwel im' gysuron gloyw
  Fel y dyddiau goreu erioed,
Gad im' gerdded fel yn fachgen,
  Etto unwaith wrth dy droed;
    A chael aros,
  Tan dy gysgod nos a dydd.

Dyma'r man dymunwn aros,
  O fewn pabell bur fy Nuw,
Uwch terfysgoedd yspryd euog
  A themtasiwn o bob rhyw,
    Tan awelon,
  Peraidd hyfryd tŷ fy Nhad.

Tan dy aden cedwir f'enaid,
  Yno'n unig byddai byw,
Tan dy aden y gwaredir,
  Fi o'r beiau gwaetha eu rhyw;
    'R wyt ti'n gysgod,
  Rhag euogrwydd yn ei rŷm.

Tan dy aden y rhyfelaf,
  Yno'n unig mae fy ngrym;
Tan dy aden y concweraf,
  Ynte ni orchfygaf ddim:
    Neb ond Iesu,
  Fostia'm henaid tra fwyf byw.

Mae deng myrddiwn o rinweddau
  Dwyfol yn ei enw pur;
Yn ei wedd mae tegwch rhagor,
  Nag a welodd môr na thir;
    Rhosyn Saron,
  Oll yn hawddgar yw efe.
wedi eu maeddu :: wedi darfod
fore a hwyr :: fore a nawn
tŷ fy Nhad :: tir fy ngwlad
y concweraf :: y gorchfygaf
ni choncweraf :: ni orchfygaf
Rhosyn Saron, \\ Oll yn hawddgar yw efe ::        
        Mo'i gyffelyb, \\ 'Rioed ni welodd nef y nef

- - - - -

(Heddwch cydwybod)
Rho gydwybod wedi chánu'n
  Beraidd yn y dwyfol waed;
Cnawd a natur wedi'u maeddu,
  Clwyfau wedi cael iachâd:
    Minnau'n aros,
  Yn fy ninas fore a hwyr.

Rho fy nwydau fel cantorion, 
  Oll yn chware'u bysedd cun,
Ar y delyn sydd yn seinio
  Enw Iesu mawr ei hun:
    Neb ond Iesu,
  Yn ddifyrwch ddydd a nos.

Gwna ddystawrwydd ar ganiadau
  Crâs afrywiog hen y byd;
Diffodd dân cynhyrfus natur,
  Sydd yn difa gras o hyd;
    Fel y gallwyf,
Glywed pur ganiadau'r nef.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Aslacton (<1875)
Upsal (<1875)

  Cudd fy meiau rhag y werin
  Gwyn a gwridog yw fy Arglwydd
  Mae deng myrddiwn o rinweddau
  Na'd fi Iesu fyn'd yn w'radwydd
  Nid oes pleser nid oes tegan
  Y mae syched ar fy nghalon

(Entreaty to live under his shadow)
Give a conscience having been bleached,
  Sweetly in the divine blood;
Flesh and nature having been beaten,
  Wounds having been healed:
    I staying,
  In my city morning and evening.

Return to me a shining comfort
  As the best days ever,
Let m walk like a boy,
  Once again at thy feet;
    And get to stay,
  Under thy shadow night and day.

Here is the place I would desire to stay,
  Within the pure tent of my God,
Above the tumults of a guilty spirit
  And temptations of every kind,
    Under the sweet,
  Delightful breezes of my Father's house.

Under thy wing my soul is to be kept,
  There alone I would live,
Under thy wing to be delivered
  Am I from the faults of the worst kind;
    Thou art a shade,
  Against guilt in its force.

Uner thy wing I will wonder,
  There alone is my force;
Under thy wing I will conquer,
  Or else not conquer anything:
    None but Jesus,
  Will my soul boast of while I live.

There are ten myriads of divine
  Wonders in his pure name;
In his countenance there is superior fairness,
  Than has sea or land seen;
    Rose of Sharon,
  All beautiful is he.
having been beaten :: having died away
morning and evening :: morning and afternoon
my Father's house :: territory of my land
I will conquer :: I will overcome
I will not conquer :: I will not overcome
Rose of Sharon, \\ All beautiful is he ::        
        Not his like, \\ Did the heaven of heaven ever see

- - - - -

(Peace of conscience)
Give a conscience bleached
  Sweetly in the divine blood;
Flesh and nature having been beaten,
  Wounds having been healed:
    I staying,
  In my city morning and evening.

Give my desires like singers,
  All playing their dear fingers,
On the harp which is sounding
  The name of great Jesus himself:
    None but Jesus,
  Delighting day and night.

Make a quietness in the old,
  Rough, surly songs of the world;
Extinguish the turbulent fire of nature,
  Which is destroying grace still;
    Thus I shall be able
  To hear the pure songs of heaven.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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